Become a Board Member!

An amazing leadership opportunity is waiting for you at IABC Tulsa! If you’re interested in joining our board, please fill out this form to express your interest! 

All Board Roles (please note not all positions will be available):

  • President
  • President Elect
  • Vice President, Special Events
  • Vice President, Communications
  • Member at Large
  • Vice President, Finance
  • Vice President, Membership
  • Vice President, Certifications
  • Vice President, Awards
  • Secretar


Term: 24 months
Election: Voted by Board of Directors
Reports to: President

Duties & Responsibilities

Skill Requirements: Collaborative, Event management, Project management, Team player, Self-starter.

  • Plans and coordinates the annual Gift of Communication in December 2022 and Spelling “Beer” Event (TBD for 2022)
  • Assists in planning and coordinating activities for the the annual Bronze Quill awards event such as catering, venue coordination, etc.
  • Works closely with vice president of membership on recruiting and member-specific events as needed
  • Coordinates or assists with other special projects as executive board deems appropriate including but not limited to summer events, happy hours and the annual holiday party 


Term: 24 months
Election: Voted by Board of Directors
Direct Reports: Communications/Marketing Chairs
Reports to: President

Duties & Responsibilities

Skill Requirements: Collaborative, Social Media management, Project management, Communication management, Team player, Self-starter

  • Collaborates with two other communications chairs to divide and conquer Social media content posting and engagement (1-2 times per week); Website editing and updates; digital newsletters; Post-event survey distribution;
  • Collaborates with other board members to create/update and implement the chapter marketing plan.
  • Helps to create, manage and measure communication channels and messaging, collaborates with Membership VP to survey members on success of communication efforts, conducts other measurement where appropriate (e.g., email and web analytics).
  • Coordinates all formal communication to members and prospective members – Collaborates with other board members to incorporate their messaging, produce materials and content, distribute; including all PD, networking and prospecting activities; including special communication efforts as requested by the board.
  • Coordinates all community and media relations – Coordinates committee members in conducting media relations and community relations efforts to reach prospects and create greater awareness of chapter benefits and activities, oversees the creation and distribution of releases and other outreach.
  • Judging other chapter’s bronze quill entries (2 per year)


Term: 12 months
Election: Voted by Board of Directors
Direct Reports: Board of Directors for IABC Tulsa
Reports to: President

Duties & Responsibilities

Skill Requirements: Collaborative, Knowledge of IABC with past experience, Self-starter.

  • Current IABC Member who attends monthly board meetings to offer an outside perspective.
  • Someone who has past experience being an IABC member and has attended events or functions in the past.
  • Individual who can offer a member-perspective so we can identify and improve our ongoing efforts for helping IABC Tulsa reach its full potential.
  • Willing to assist board members in one-off projects, as needed, to help our chapter achieve success.
  • Judging other chapter’s bronze quill entries (2 per year)


Term: 24 months 
Election: Voted by Board of Directors
Direct Reports: Board of Directors for IABC Tulsa
Reports to: President

Duties & Responsibilities

Skill Requirements: Collaborative, Self-starter, Curious, Detailed, Determined.

  • Coordinates and maintains the annual chapter budget 
  • Compiles budget based on budgets obtained from each executive board member
  • Keeps records of receipts and expenditures, including proceeds and expenses related to membership meetings
  • Disburses all funds in payment of the organization’s obligations
  • Submits monthly financial reports to the executive board
  • Coordinates an audit of IABC/Tulsa’s financial records for the previous fiscal year by an external accountant and submits audit report to the board for approval
    • Only applicable if IABC/Tulsa has cumulative account balances in excess of $50,000 
  • Recommends to the executive board investment options for chapter funds


Term: 24 months 
Election: Voted by Board of Directors
Reports to: President

Skill Requirements: Inclusive, Self-Starter, Collaborative

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Provides monthly reports to the executive board on new memberships, lapsed memberships and total number of members 
  • Provides periodic reports on membership demographics and diversity
  • Welcomes new members with letter and orientation
  • Recognizes membership anniversaries with letter or email to member
  • Maintains open communication with members about current, new and improved member benefits 
  • Engages in outreach with potential new members, including but not limited to follow-up emails to event attendees, cold calls, and in-person recruitment meetings 
  • Provides monthly report to the executive board on potential recruits or target new members
  • Supports “member month” promotions and activities. 
  • Works closely with vice president of special events to develop consistent messaging and brand awareness for recruitment events 


Term: 24 months 
Election: Voted by Board of Directors
Reports to: President

Skill Requirements: Organized, Collaborative, Determined, Detail-Oriented, Self-Starter, Project Management

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Coordinates all judging related to annual Bronze Quill awards including judges for IABC/Tulsa entries and reciprocal judges for other chapters as needed 
  • Works with the vice president of communications to communicate entry deadlines to local communicators
  • Secures sponsors and in-kind donations for Bronze Quill event with the help of the executive board 


Term: 24 months
Election: Voted by Board of Directors
Reports to: President

Skill Requirements: Organized, Collaborative, Curious

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Records and distributes minutes for approval of all executive board meetings 
  • Sends the board email and calendar reminders for board meetings
  • Collects all board reports prior to board meetings
  • Assists with logistical items for board meetings including but not limited to scheduling.